Dr.Zakir Naik’s Fake Shankaracharya
(For English subtitles please refer the following YouTube link)
In the above video Dr.Zakir brought a person who claimed himself to be “Devanand Saraswati – The Jagadguru Shankaracharya” but still praises Islam a lot. One will definitely wonder if this guy is so found of Islam then why does he still not converted to it.
Again any person with common sense will ask who is this Shankarachrya and to which Peetham or Mutt he belongs to, but the truth is he is not at all a "Shankaracharya".
To understand how Dr.Zakir Naik faked him as Shankaracharya of of Puri, the head of Govardhan Peetham, the following informations will help.
For the Hindus who follow Advaita school of philosophy Shankaracharyas are like the Pope for Roman Catholic Christians or like the Islamic Kalifa for Sunni Muslims.
There are totally 5 Shankara Peethams(centers) and these 5 Peethams are headed by 4 Shankaracharyas.
1.Sri Govardhan Peetham Puri (orissa) His Holyness Nischalananda Saraswati

The above is the True Jadadguru Shankaracharya of Puri whom Dr.Zakir Naik faked with a false Shankaracharya
The following are the list of other Shankara Mutts or Peethams along with the names & photos of respective current heads of the Peethams.
2.Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri (Karnataka) His Holyness Bharati Teertha
3.Sri Sharada Peetham, Dwaraka (Gujarat) His Holyness Swaroopananda Saraswati *
4.Sri Jyotish Peetham (Uttaranchal) His Holyness Swaroopananda Saraswati *
* ( Both the Peethams at Gujarat & Uttranchal are headed by the same Swami ji )
5.Sri Kaamakooti Peetham, Kanchipurm (Tamil Nadu) His Holyness Jayendra Saraswati
When there is no such Jagadguru Shankaracharya with the name "Devenand Saraswati" then who is he? No one except Dr.Zakir Naik knows this.
Why Zakir Naik does this?
The reason is so simple, he wants to spread Islam either by hook or crook. There are observations that Islam was spread by sword , force and allurements in the past and present. Fake claims and lies are part of this kind of spreading Islam. It makes us to ask that why Islam approves this?
Additionally if Dr.Zakir Naik makes the Muslims happy by claiming that he countered a Hindu Guru it will in turn fill his pocket in a much better way than his doctor profession.
This just reminds us what is said in Mahabharata 5000 years back that "Fools seek to injure the wise by false reproaches and evil speeches"
Now Muslims have to think about the reliability of his other claims like Hindus converting into Islam. And the other fake claims of Zakir on Hindu Scriptures.
Time to think.
More lies of Dr.Zakir Naik Exposed in the following link
Satyameva Jayate - Truth alone triumphs (Rig Veda)
(The National Proclamation of India)
For clarifications or objections
Its true, I have seen the full episode Zakir naik V/s Shankarcharya, I found personally who claimed to himself as Shankaracharya he even doesn't know the Hinduism, He was behaving like a politician " I hate those hindus who doesn't respect muslims and I love muslims" these are the dialogue without even knowing why a normal hindu or now all other religions also hating to muslims how can he say that he even dont know the Vedaas and Geeta not able to pronounce even a single shalok he was behaving like a rotating parrot. Such a lame thing this is.... I really laugh on the dialogue of Mr seems illiterate Zakir naik " we ate only pease loving aminals so how can we be the crual"
In hinduism ever god and godess has one animal as a symbol this doesn't means those who made this culture were fool to save the species this is the right thing to make this symbol similiarly countries are also doing this India and pakistaan has tiger symbol, Australia has Kangaroo as a symbol and different countries as a different symbols to save the species......
Hinduism says be the natural live and let live not like Mr Illetrate Naik " To have and let have and finsh everything"
I think the religion is not something to express or to explain in the assembly it lives in our heart it behave in our routine.. it give us the independece to grow give the equal right to all
We indian or hindu never attack on anyone gave the birth to Pakistaan gave the shelter to the peoples like Mr. Zakir Niak who call the assmebly in India and blaiming on indians its such a silly mater just to sprade islam they are making the story and calling to the fake peoples
" This is we hindu always learn from our parents give respect to all other religions show u r brother hood never talk against anyone"
To be Muslim is very easy but to be a true hindu is tuff really tuff to kill someone is so easy to make innocient peoples fool is easy but to give the shelter to those who speaks against you its really-2 tuff it show your manhood humanity
Indian brothers
Hi, you have done a great job by revealing the truth of this FAKE shankaracharya talking about Islam on youtube. Not many Hindus who attended that seminar would have known that he was a fake shankaracharya and might have trusted him. Hindus like you and I should continue to spread awareness among our people. Cheers!
thank u bosss... really thanks even i was shokked tht hw can it possible.. i was catching her nervouness in his lips n communication he puzzle single tym... but i was ryt nn u prove it.. ishwar tumko or achha marg dikhaaye bhai.. thnx
Sri Kaamakooti Peetham, Kanchipurm (Tamil Nadu) His Holyness Jayendra Saraswati.................
Please correct your knowledge !
There can be only four shankaracharya of the four respective Peetham(Mutth).
the fifth claiming is wrong !
Swami Jayendra Saraswati is not a shankaracharya...... because Kaamakooti was never declaired as peetham by bhagwan Shankaracharya!
It cannot be counted among the four peetham ordered by Adi Guru !
He's using this prefix by his own wish !
But i respect him...... So i can recognised him as Kaamakoothi Peethadishwar.
Always remember ! there are only four peetham in our country declaired by Bhagwan Shankaracharya ! and for so ovious reason- there will be only four shankaracharya .....
Dear Sir, you have done a remarkable job by exposing the fraudulent Islamic missionary. Just like he booked some fraud to masquerade as a Shankaracharya, he has played the same trick in several places. In the following video, he has arranged some other fraud to masquerade as the president of the Arya Samaj and makes him praise Islam:-
The following is a refutation exposing the fraud:-
If possible, please show who is the real president of Arya Samaj and please expose this fraud too.
Your Hindu Brother,
Brother, you have done a great job by exposing the fraudulent Islamic missionary. Just like he made some man act as a Shankaracharya, he has made some man masquerade as the president of Arya Samaj and made him to speak great of Islam in the following video:-
And the following video is about the fraud exposed:-
Please show who is the real Arya Samaj president just like you showed the Shankaracharyas.
Your Hindu brother,
Well I Understand That...I cannot defend ur statement Cauz I Havent Reseached on that..But Can You Prove Any Of Zakir Naik's Comment Wrong?? And Can You Logically Oppose Any Of His Statements??And What About The Debate With Mr.William Campbell & Sri Sri Ravi Shankar? What You have done is absolutely correct but think about it in a neutral mind......
Well I Understand That...I cannot defend ur statement Cauz I Havent Reseached on that..But Can You Prove Any Of Zakir Naik's Comment Wrong?? And Can You Logically Oppose Any Of His Statements??And What About The Debate With Mr.William Campbell & Sri Sri Ravi Shankar? What You have done is absolutely correct but think about it in a neutral mind......
Well I Understand That...I cannot defend ur statement Cauz I Havent Reseached on that..But Can You Prove Any Of Zakir Naik's Comment Wrong?? And Can You Logically Oppose Any Of His Statements??And What About The Debate With Mr.William Campbell & Sri Sri Ravi Shankar? What You have done is absolutely correct but think about it in a neutral mind......
Excellent!The hinduism is only religion which allows to worship god in any form,respects feelings of any religion without enforcing thoughts,criticising others and fake people.
thankyou (avc2004@rediffmail.com)
excellent!Hinduism is only religion closer to god and allows to worship him in any form,respects other religion feelings without enforcing fake thoughts with criticism (like zakir naik)
thank you
I am not defending zakir naik here but i have read i many books and found that there is a lot of fight among hindus on deciding who is the shankracharya. a lot of people in india claim they are actual shankracharya (whether they are given the designation or not. So it might be possible that teh shankaracharya present on that stage is one of them. Please do not take me wrong that i am defending zakir naik although i am a muslim
haha ha this is a real big slap on the real face of scoundrals like so called dr zakir naik and the real face of so called peacefu religion of these mleechas or we should properly say these guys(musalmans or mlechhaas)are the sons of devil's prophet the mahamad which means the great scoundral in the sanskrit.sanatan dharma is the greatest of all.thank u .wake up my dear aryan brothers and sisters and defend our culture aganist the proxy war of these bloody mlechhas(musalmaanns)by simply boycottinng them from all social happeenings.
these 90% indian muslims are all supportesrs of jehad. we should kick all them out of our india
i believe god is 1,,it is even mentioned in bhagvad geeta & vedas but a very simple fact which reveals his fake claims is that according to him kalki is mohammed but it has been clearly mentioned kalki will end the kali yug,,but kali yug is still continuing and the second fact is kalki will spread message like sri krisna against the cow killing and many more facts make it clear that he is fake (read journey to self discovery by srila prabhupada for dtails)
Assalamualaikum everyone,
By just reading ur all of the above comment it just shows ur ignorance about a particular thing.
By saying these things u r bring bad name to Hinduism. Infact their is no religion of hinduism on Earth. It is created by ppls of India who r non-Muslim. Never mind even if u dont believe he is real shankarachariya then what abt the video of Shree shre Ravi shankar. He admitted in front of the whole world that he has wriiten wrong things abt Islam in his book and covers himself by saying "My intentions were to make Hindu and Muslim closure and it was printed in emergency". He goes on saying number of times saying that do not ask Question from this book as he has committed lots of error. If he has made errors in his book so my questions is that y dont he revile it to whole world abt his mistake. JUST A Lier see shankarachariya saying Lie in front of whole wrld still ppl saying he is shankrachariya. What a joke. These so called hindus dont knw abt themself but pork their nose in Islamic religion and criticise it. Hindus dont have their BASE. Infact RAVI shankar said the normal pandits in Temples dont knw anything abt their religion and the common hindu belive their tongues. Inshort hindus doing wrong according to ravi shankar. HAHAHAHAHA. Feeling pity on HINDUS. Becoming Hindu is very easy tell lie u become hindus, do serious sins like porn, raping girls, drinking alcohols, smoking and the list goes on n on..... a person become hindu.
If u talk that Islam has been spread because of swords and all those things that u r wrong. If u r right then u would have not been here wriiting comments. You would have been in HELL fire burning somewhere... After seeing this comment I strongly believe that y dont the muslim ppl did that they shd have done that and ppl like u all dont deserve to live on earth. You r saying Hindus spread peace then y r u spreading HELL out here. Againg pity on Hindus and
feel like saying so called Hindus.
Islam has been spread thru peace only and it is the fastest growing religion in terms of converting ppl on the face of earth. This is the reason some ppl do not like this, becoz if religion of truth prevail on earth their wont be Alcohol, bribing murders, raping so the enjoyment of non-Muslims get affected. This is the reason ppl like you alll apose ISLAM.
If u dont believe anyone belive vedas and read it it just says abt one "ALLAH ". It says abt the kaki avataar ie Our last and final prohet Mohammed (PBUH). u shd accept ISLAM to spread peace.
Cannot write everything but very less I have written in ur comments.
You tried your best to hide the shame which your Islam faced by the lies of zakir naik by jumping into Ravishnkar.
First face the trail for the lies of Zakir Naik on Shankaracharya, already more people exposed the lies and drama on the so claimed debate with Ravishnkar and zakir.
Regarding your comments on how to become a Hindu, all your comments makes me to think about the acts of Muhammad the so claimed prophet of Islam he did raped Sophiya and he did looted the wealth of others. He also took a child who was just 6 years old as his wife when he was 59 year old man with no shame, so don't spit on sky for it will fall only on you.
About the way Islam spread all over the world, it no other way than rapes, genocides, massacres, plunderings and loots your own Quran and Hadiths exposes it.We Hindus are still here and making this blog only by the might of great Hindu warriors like Raajputs, Sikhs and Maratas, many do not know how these brave Hindus brought down the grand Islamic Mugal Empire into just a small kingdom that too confined into the forts of Delhi before the Europeans came.You proved that you are an illiterate in History too.
Again for your claims that Islam is the fastest growing religion by conversion, the entire world knows that Islam grows only by uncontrolled mass reproduction and never by conversion.
Finally, on your lies on Vedas contain the name of Allah and Kalki Avatar all the lies of muslims are busted by many and if you still wish i can make a topic on those too for the sake of exposing Islam more.
Man You are right ..
Muslims are so pathetic liars that they dont even know they are lying....
Telling truth for you Sufian and company
'HINDUS' just the name given to people who live beyond Sindhu(river). so,foreigners used to call us as hindus , it became popular after 1800.
But let me use same term "hindu" ..
for your understanding.
ours is "not just dharma(religion) ,it is beyond that , its a way of life..
so it was/is widely adopted and also oldest living religion in the world(a way of life).
I would like to clear many wrong comments that dr.zakir naik makes on hinduism.
1.ACcording him ;
"GOD is every thing" is what the hindus believes
"Everything's is what the Muslim believes"
and gets the claps from , all audience..
but actual fact is different;
1.In hindu religion,
It is said as below
1.EVerything is the manifestation of GOD.
and also its,GOD's divinity that is all pervading the universe..
for commom people ,they interpret divinity and god together and worship the god.
But this pesron,zakir naik take advantage of this and ,wrongly projects our believes..
2. He never ever takes, topics such as, "destruction of thosand's of temple by, islamic kingdoms, all over the world..(in kaba, bhutan,mayanmar,india, Afghanithan..,etc)..
If "islam" speaks about peace, why , its fallowers(those who involved in destruction) itself going against islam(whoose very meaning is "call for peace"). Isn't that , this factor doesn't come to the, notice of dr.naik
3.Every greatest scintists like "ALbert Eienstein, sir voultier, SCHORDINGER, HEISENBERG etc.,"
has said about vedas and vedanta " as higly superior scintific profound knoweledge"
and also "Advaita" philosophy is closely associated with QUANTUM PHYSICS(it is the at most scientific tool,for the people of this modern science era to understand about "Metaphysics") .
and but the pity is that
Quaran has many issues with "advaita".
"I have used, science(quant.physics) for , validation of religion here because, most of people now a days are using scince as a validating tool to trust religious belief "
3.He also point out many thing from vedas as unscientific
every planet in solor system revolves around, earth.
for, common people it is hard to believe but
if we go deep into , relativistic theory,quatum physics, etc
Their will be different dimension(other than this 3D world what we know), perspective of view..
so, those vedic peoples science is much advanced than ours ., they were aware of many concepts.. and they interpreted things in that way.
But this, naik, mis interpret and conlude the things by himself.
so, many science related such things are their, which im skipping.
4.He Defends, polygomy for muslims.., BY saying as, "muslims are advaised to do so, to consolididate "Women- men" proportionality., so that no women left out freely(so that she wont get into any bad life style).
but think if each, person marries 4 womens.
then each will have, 3-4 childrens
therefore, 4*4=16 childs..
population explosion, mass reproduction..
Hindus, also were having 3-4 childs in the past, because there were no proper medical facility to, prevent accidental reproduction..
but, now a days, hindus are, not doing so, they have, concern about population explosion unlike muslims who, aim mass reproduction to increase their bench strength.
Also dr.naik defends about mohammed's marraige issues, etc etc.,
let him do so, but he should accept, others explanation ,when they defend their issues in similar merit.
plenty to tell..
Some of clarification between islam and sanathana dharma(vedic)
The problem with Islam & its disciples(like zakir naik and company) is that , they would agree with every scriptures if it matches with their teachings & deny if it never matches with the Holy Text. Still so that everybody comes to know the truth here we share few interesting details.
1) Bhagwan Shiva was Cursed by Rishi Brigu which was the reason his Lingam is been worshiped, ONE of the Description of Lingam -The lingam is essentially a symbol of the shapeless universal consciousness of Lord Shiva. “Shiva” also means that in which the creation lies dormant after the annihilation.
2) Even many Arabic Verse talks about some 320 deities were broken & burried in Mecca accepted by Dr Zakir naik in his lecture with Sri Ravi Shankarji?
3) The Archaeology team found the deity were named Udhava (Sri Krishnas friend), Indra, Vajra (Indras weapon), durga, Vishnu, Trunk god Ganesha etc.
4) Aren't there so many proofs lying in the Turkish Library which are words from the Time of Md Prophet, about the Lingam Puran & relatives of Md Prophet saying we do not mind worshiping Bhagwan Shiv in a Lingam form?
5) The Muslim month Rabi is the corrupt form of Ravi meaning the sun because Sanskrit ‘V’ changes into Prakrit ‘B’ (Prakrit being the popular version of Sanskrit language). The Muslim sanctity for Gyrahwi Sharif is nothing but the Hindu Ekadashi (Gyrah = elevan or Gyaarah)?
6) Recital of the Namaz five times a day owes its origin to the Vedic injunction of Panchmahayagna (five daily worship- Panch-Maha-Yagna) which is part of the daily Vedic ritual prescribed for all individuals.
7) Muslims are enjoined cleanliness of five parts of the body before commencing prayers. This derives from the Vedic injuction ‘Shareer Shydhyartham Panchanga Nyasah’.
* Adopting Hindu deity moon God Allah as the deity of Islam
* Making Hindu Moon God Siva’s temple Kaaba as the holiest place of Islam
* Making the black stone as the most holy stone of Islam and making touching and kissing of it as a a blissful act of Sunnah.
* Adopting the Hindu pilgrimages Haj and Umra as the highest worship in Islam.
* Shaving the heads as Hindus do for pilgrimages
* Circumambulating the Siva temple Kabah 7 times as Hindus did.
* Adopting the Hindu concept of washing all the sins by making the holy pilgrimage.
* Collecting holy water representing Ganga Jal (zam zam water) as Hindus do to take holy blessings home.
* Wearing White seamless cloth during pilgrimage as Hindus wear during their religious ceremonies and pilgrimages (Unstiched Dhotis & saree).
*Celebrating the completion of worship of Siva temple Kabah by giving it the Hindu Sanskrit name of Eid =Eid.
Islamic people quoting quote from Bhavisha Puran, Arthveda & other scriptures saying Md Prophets prophecies is explained in Vedas which were compiled 5000 years back & Islam started in Kaliyuga after holy Md Prophet died in 632. So like Pakistan & Bangladesh came from bharata sameway Holy Quran, Islam came from Vedas right?
If you read Bhavisha Puran Carefully its clearly mentioned that Tripurasura who was a great Devotee of Lord Shiva & was killed by Lord Shiva after the holy cow drank the immortality water from his Plane (His plane schematics are still present in scriptures) later it says - he would be reborn & form a religion in Kaliyuga. So his passion for Lord Shiva made hims a worshiper of Lingam but because he was Demonic by nature all the Kriya/karam, Rituals are against the Vedic Gurus. About shaving, food habits, etc
King Vikramaditya inscription was found in the Kaaba in Mecca proving beyond doubt that the Arabian Peninsula formed a part of his Indian Empire and that he, who highly revered Lord Siva, built the Siva temple called Kabah.. The text of the crucial Vikramaditya inscription, found inscribed on a gold dish hung inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, is found recorded on page 315 of a volume known as ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ treasured in the Makhtab-e-Sultania library in Istanbul, Turkey. Rendered in free English the inscription says: "Fortunate are those who were born (and lived) during king Vikram’s reign. He was a noble, generous dutiful ruler, devoted to the welfare of his subjects. But at that time we Arabs, oblivious of God, were lost in sensual pleasures. Plotting and torture were rampant. The darkness of ignorance had enveloped our country. Like the lamb struggling for her life in the cruel paws of a wolf we Arabs were caught up in ignorance. The entire country was enveloped in a darkness so intense as on a new moon night. But the present dawn and pleasant sunshine of education is the result of the favour of the noble king Vikramaditya whose benevolent supervision did not lose sight of us- foreigners as we were. He spread his sacred religion amongst us and sent scholars whose brilliance shone like that of the sun from his country to ours. These scholars and preceptors through whose benevolence we were once again made cognizant of the
presence of God, introduced to His sacred existence and put on the road of Truth, had come to our country to preach their religion and impart education at king Vikramaditya’s behest."
Many Kabah stones have Sanskrit words inscribed from pagan days, however the black curtain covers these inscriptions.
Telling truth for you Sufian
'HINDUS' just the name given to people who live beyond Sindhu(river). so,foreigners used to call us as hindus , it became popular after 1800.
But let me use same term "hindu" ..
for your understanding.
ours is "not just dharma(religion) ,it is beyond that , its a way of life..
so it was/is widely adopted and also oldest living religion in the world(a way of life).
I would like to clear many wrong comments that dr.zakir naik makes on hinduism.
1.ACcording him ;
"GOD is every thing" is what the hindus believes
"Everything's is what the Muslim believes"
and gets the claps from , all audience..
but actual fact is different;
1.In hindu religion,
It is said as below
1.EVerything is the manifestation of GOD.
and also its,GOD's divinity that is all pervading the universe..
for commom people ,they interpret divinity and god together and worship the god.
But this pesron,zakir naik take advantage of this and ,wrongly projects our believes..
2. He never ever takes, topics such as, "destruction of thosand's of temple by, islamic kingdoms, all over the world..(in kaba, bhutan,mayanmar,india, Afghanithan..,etc)..
If "islam" speaks about peace, why , its fallowers(those who involved in destruction) itself going against islam(whoose very meaning is "call for peace"). Isn't that , this factor doesn't come to the, notice of dr.naik
3.Every greatest scintists like "ALbert Eienstein, sir voultier, SCHORDINGER, HEISENBERG etc.,"
has said about vedas and vedanta " as higly superior scintific profound knoweledge"
and also "Advaita" philosophy is closely associated with QUANTUM PHYSICS(it is the at most scientific tool,for the people of this modern science era to understand about "Metaphysics") .
and but the pity is that
Quaran has many issues with "advaita".
"I have used, science(quant.physics) for , validation of religion here because, most of people now a days are using scince as a validating tool to trust religious belief "
3.He also point out many thing from vedas as unscientific
every planet in solor system revolves around, earth.
for, common people it is hard to believe but
if we go deep into , relativistic theory,quatum physics, etc
Their will be different dimension(other than this 3D world what we know), perspective of view..
so, those vedic peoples science is much advanced than ours ., they were aware of many concepts.. and they interpreted things in that way.
But this, naik, mis interpret and conlude the things by himself.
so, many science related such things are their, which im skipping.
4.He Defends, polygomy for muslims.., BY saying as, "muslims are advaised to do so, to consolididate "Women- men" proportionality., so that no women left out freely(so that she wont get into any bad life style).
but think if each, person marries 4 womens.
then each will have, 3-4 childrens
therefore, 4*4=16 childs..
population explosion, mass reproduction..
Hindus, also were having 3-4 childs in the past, because there were no proper medical facility to, prevent accidental reproduction..
but, now a days, hindus are, not doing so, they have, concern about population explosion unlike muslims who, aim mass reproduction to increase their bench strength.
Some of clarification between islam and sanathana dharma(vedic)
The problem with Islam & its disciples is that , they would agree with every scriptures if it matches with their teachings & deny if it never matches with the Holy Text. Still so that everybody comes to know the truth here we share few interesting details.
1) Bhagwan Shiva was Cursed by Rishi Brigu which was the reason his Lingam is been worshiped, ONE of the Description of Lingam -The lingam is essentially a symbol of the shapeless universal consciousness of Lord Shiva. “Shiva” also means that in which the creation lies dormant after the annihilation.
2) Even many Arabic Verse talks about some 320 deities were broken & burried in Mecca accepted by Dr Zakir naik in his lecture with Sri Ravi Shankarji?
3) The Archaeology team found the deity were named Udhava (Sri Krishnas friend), Indra, Vajra (Indras weapon), durga, Vishnu, Trunk god Ganesha etc.
4) Aren't there so many proofs lying in the Turkish Library which are words from the Time of Md Prophet, about the Lingam Puran & relatives of Md Prophet saying we do not mind worshiping Bhagwan Shiv in a Lingam form?
5) The Muslim month Rabi is the corrupt form of Ravi meaning the sun because Sanskrit ‘V’ changes into Prakrit ‘B’ (Prakrit being the popular version of Sanskrit language). The Muslim sanctity for Gyrahwi Sharif is nothing but the Hindu Ekadashi (Gyrah = elevan or Gyaarah)?
6) Recital of the Namaz five times a day owes its origin to the Vedic injunction of Panchmahayagna (five daily worship- Panch-Maha-Yagna) which is part of the daily Vedic ritual prescribed for all individuals.
7) Muslims are enjoined cleanliness of five parts of the body before commencing prayers. This derives from the Vedic injuction ‘Shareer Shydhyartham Panchanga Nyasah’.
* Adopting Hindu deity moon God Allah as the deity of Islam
* Making Hindu Moon God Siva’s temple Kaaba as the holiest place of Islam
* Making the black stone as the most holy stone of Islam and making touching and kissing of it as a a blissful act of Sunnah.
* Adopting the Hindu pilgrimages Haj and Umra as the highest worship in Islam.
* Shaving the heads as Hindus do for pilgrimages
* Circumambulating the Siva temple Kabah 7 times as Hindus did.
* Adopting the Hindu concept of washing all the sins by making the holy pilgrimage.
* Collecting holy water representing Ganga Jal (zam zam water) as Hindus do to take holy blessings home.
* Wearing White seamless cloth during pilgrimage as Hindus wear during their religious ceremonies and pilgrimages (Unstiched Dhotis & saree).
*Celebrating the completion of worship of Siva temple Kabah by giving it the Hindu Sanskrit name of Eid =Eid.
Islamic people quoting quote from Bhavisha Puran, Arthveda & other scriptures saying Md Prophets prophecies is explained in Vedas which were compiled 5000 years back & Islam started in Kaliyuga after holy Md Prophet died in 632. So like Pakistan & Bangladesh came from bharata sameway Holy Quran, Islam came from Vedas right?
If you read Bhavisha Puran Carefully its clearly mentioned that Tripurasura who was a great Devotee of Lord Shiva & was killed by Lord Shiva after the holy cow drank the immortality water from his Plane (His plane schematics are still present in scriptures) later it says - he would be reborn & form a religion in Kaliyuga. So his passion for Lord Shiva made hims a worshiper of Lingam but because he was Demonic by nature all the Kriya/karam, Rituals are against the Vedic Gurus. About shaving, food habits, etc
King Vikramaditya inscription was found in the Kaaba in Mecca proving beyond doubt that the Arabian Peninsula formed a part of his Indian Empire and that he, who highly revered Lord Siva, built the Siva temple called Kabah.. The text of the crucial Vikramaditya inscription, found inscribed on a gold dish hung inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, is found recorded on page 315 of a volume known as ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ treasured in the Makhtab-e-Sultania library in Istanbul, Turkey. Rendered in free English the inscription says: "Fortunate are those who were born (and lived) during king Vikram’s reign. He was a noble, generous dutiful ruler, devoted to the welfare of his subjects. But at that time we Arabs, oblivious of God, were lost in sensual pleasures. Plotting and torture were rampant. The darkness of ignorance had enveloped our country. Like the lamb struggling for her life in the cruel paws of a wolf we Arabs were caught up in ignorance. The entire country was enveloped in a darkness so intense as on a new moon night. But the present dawn and pleasant sunshine of education is the result of the favour of the noble king Vikramaditya whose benevolent supervision did not lose sight of us- foreigners as we were. He spread his sacred religion amongst us and sent scholars whose brilliance shone like that of the sun from his country to ours. These scholars and preceptors through whose benevolence we were once again made cognizant of the presence of God, introduced to His sacred existence and put on the road of Truth, had come to our country to preach their religion and impart education at king Vikramaditya’s behest."
Many Kabah stones have Sanskrit words inscribed from pagan days, however the black curtain covers these inscriptions.
No one go to naik and say that we didn't believe that quran has been told to mohammad by allah. Was he there when allah and mohammad was having meeting with cup of tea allah telling mr.mohammad that this is quran print it in your press??? I mean really??its foolish. If tell my class 10 english paper was told to me by allah will you belive and make me a prophet??? Allah,God,Bhagwan all one is supereme force which contols our universe.no one seene him though he is everywhere if any prophet or saint says that he had meeting with allah he is fraud its his personal motive. This think should be told to naik..like you don't belive in other religion other donot believe in your religiion how can u say that that this thing is written in quran so that religion is not good. Like you don't belive in others scriptures purity other donot belive in quran..who can say that wordings in quran are 100 prcnt correct??? As it man made not god made
Look sufian muslims think that quran contains words of god ie made by god and it is only right buk and hindus think same way for gita which is much older than ur quran.now neither of two is word of god both are just man made by self proclaimed prophets. You cannot say that your belief system is right and belief system of other is wrong if this thing is taught by your scriptures then that is biggest fraud
Dr Zakir Naik, u r posing like a super human and understand all religions. Pl stop these nuisences and concentrate in your own religion. Dont compare or condemn others without understnding properly. By quoting verses from the books is not enough. You can make fool of your own religious community as they are mostly dull. Today's world community is not interested in who is what. Rather encourage your Islam brothers and sisters to dip into Islam and get eternity(?) why are you bothered about others.
Dr Zakir Naik, u r posing like a super human and understand all religions. Pl stop these nuisences and concentrate in your own religion. Dont compare or condemn others without understnding properly. By quoting verses from the books is not enough. You can make fool of your own religious community as they are mostly dull. Today's world community is not interested in who is what. Rather encourage your Islam brothers and sisters to dip into Islam and get eternity(?) why are you bothered about others.
Download Dr Zakir Naik vs Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Complete Debate 480p H264 [Dual-Audi][English-Bengali] : http://bettersolution4u.blogspot.com/2014/08/dr-zakir-naik-vs-sri-sri-ravi-shankar.html
Download Dr Zakir Naik vs Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Complete Debate 480p H264 [Dual-Audi][English-Bengali] : http://bettersolution4u.blogspot.com/2014/08/dr-zakir-naik-vs-sri-sri-ravi-shankar.html
Dr zakir naik impress every one with his extra ordinary memory n he speaks so fast tht it's difficult for a normal person to argue with him he also twist all tht he read in rigveda n other hindu scriptures according to his convenience to prove his point. ..For example 1.earlier it was claimed tht mohd is the founder of Islam n it was around 1400 years ago ..on this so many questioned tht Allah came into existence only tht time than who was running the universe so he changes it n said Adam the first person was also Muslim n we all r Muslim but Allah revealed it through his last messenger. .2..on flat earth mentioned in quran he twisted tht also...3..JESUS is mentioned in quran as a messenger but he has problem with Christian also. .4..Allah though gibrail(angel) told mohd to kill non believers of him..tht means a person do not believe in God in any form doesn't mean non Muslim ..he twisted it to non Muslim. .there are so many other point which I would love to discuss with him but he called Sri Sri ravishanker who went without preparing himself for the debate though I never believed in him as a saint. .nothing extra ordinary abt him some live tht life n hv followers Becuase of previous karma but sometime end comes like it came for aashram n rampal both r in jail. .For more points pls email I wil reveal more like for WASEELA he said there r 25 verse in quran but not able to disclose it to a srilankan Muslim (video av on you tube)
Dr zakir naik impress every one with his extra ordinary memory n he speaks so fast tht it's difficult for a normal person to argue with him he also twist all tht he read in rigveda n other hindu scriptures according to his convenience to prove his point. ..For example 1.earlier it was claimed tht mohd is the founder of Islam n it was around 1400 years ago ..on this so many questioned tht Allah came into existence only tht time than who was running the universe so he changes it n said Adam the first person was also Muslim n we all r Muslim but Allah revealed it through his last messenger. .2..on flat earth mentioned in quran he twisted tht also...3..JESUS is mentioned in quran as a messenger but he has problem with Christian also. .4..Allah though gibrail(angel) told mohd to kill non believers of him..tht means a person do not believe in God in any form doesn't mean non Muslim ..he twisted it to non Muslim. .there are so many other point which I would love to discuss with him but he called Sri Sri ravishanker who went without preparing himself for the debate though I never believed in him as a saint. .nothing extra ordinary abt him some live tht life n hv followers Becuase of previous karma but sometime end comes like it came for aashram n rampal both r in jail. .For more points pls email I wil reveal more like for WASEELA he said there r 25 verse in quran but not able to disclose it to a srilankan Muslim (video av on you tube)
Just want to share for ur knowledge no one can become or covert to Hindu u hv to born as a hindu ..read this in one of the letter wrote by shri shankaracharya ji maharaj to Pope on conversion issue long ago..
I read a little quran which says in six days he created the entire earth..n rest goes on like this in urdu...subah hui....than raat hui ..is tarah 6 din khatam hue aur phir usne apni tarah ek insaan batana aur bahut khush hua phir wo takht pe ja beta. ....later in the same book gibrail took mohd saheb to meet Adam. .he was praised as a nabi on his way n finally when he met Adam it's written wo ek taraf dekh kushi se khil uthe thee aur dusri taraf dekh ke unki aankho main aansu aa jate thee. .this book is widely read by indian Muslim is a translation of quran n published since 1954 if I m not wrong ..would u pls like to discuss on this topics..like takht pe ja beta. ...if god has no shape whatsoever how he will sit...n y it's written apne jaisa bana ke for men creation. ..n to whom Adam was looking at hell n heaven if the day of judgement is still yet to arrive who was enjoying in heaven n getting punishment in hell. ..
Hi Guys,
I am human, and you all are ass holes.
The people who r fighting to prove their religion to be the best, be it hindu or muslim, you all r idiots since no religion taught to insult other religions.
and i am damn sure that hindu who commented above hardly go to mandir nd the muslim person who commented above hardly go to masjid.
so put your cock in your own mouth and shut the hell up!!!!
I can proof Zakir is a liar,slanderer and blasphemer against Hinduism.
Dear, The call of Adharma. Either you are not a Sanatan Dharmi or you know nothing about the Brahmin dharm (Hindu adharm ) because it has spread at the cost of hate towards Buddhism . ADI-SHANKRACHARYA killed all Budhist monks and destroyed their Buddhist Pali literature to replace it by Sanskrit Sanatan literature. Buddhism once largest religion of lndia had to take shelter in Cetral Asia, Gandhar , Tibet , Thiland , Burma , Sri Lanka etc. Prophet Mohd. married Aysha at young age but brought her at his home once she attained puberty ( the God's natural signal is menarche & medically also ). Child marriage has been a stigma of Hinduism, which was stopped by law made by British Govt.on request of reformer Raja Ram Mohan Rao, along with ban on Sati Pracice. During Sati several dozens of legitimate & illegimate queens of Hindu kings were made to die by burning them alive in the pier of their dead husbands.But lslam gives right to re-marriage of widows & diverced women. Muslims donot burn their wives for dowry or other family relationship reasons but there is simple rule of separation or divorce. Muslim women also have right to divorce called Khula e.g. impotent husband , Sexual diseases, absence for long time etc. Hindu temples are engaged in religious protitution called DEVDASI.Khajuraho Temples have statues of 33 crore Hindu Gods engaged in unnatural sex like anal sex, oral sex, animal sex, multiple sex partners / group sex.Manna seduced Vishwamitra , and thus great Hindu saint fucked her without marriage and after enjoying with her even cursed her for the mistake made by both together. Dropdi was the wife of Arjun but was misused as as wife by all 5 ( Pandav ) brothers. For beautiful Urvashi all the rules were changed by Devraj lnder.lndra is always busy in enjoying with women Apsaras & wine of heaven, and always tricking to distract others from God worship by sending beautiful ladies of heaven.Lord Krishna had several thousands wives.Radha was not wife of Krishna but his premika ( lover, girl friend ) and his Maami (maternal uncle's wife) in relation.Ram's father Dashrath had 3 legal wives.Ram tried to kill his wife Site in the name of Agni-pariksha but when survived burried her alive saying that the earth got burst to take Sita inside it. Ram expelled his wife Sita from his house when she was pregnant and have birth in jungle to her son's Love & Kush.Ram killed Bali & Ravan by deceit.Lord Ganesh is elephant God with his vaahan ( sawaari, vehicle ) being a Rat. It is a fooling thought to say that an elephant can ride a Rat.Shiva being a God could not know that Ganesh was his son. Shiv cut his own son's head to be re-United with an elephant head , which is impossible. Aghori Saathi ( Hindu holymen ) love naked like Naga Sadhus. Aghori eat human flash from the dead bodies of shamshan ghats ( Hindu grave-yards) and also perform sexual intercourse with women dead bodies. Every Hindu God has a wife and lives with lustful desires.Kunti had an illiterate son called KARAN.Hindu God Brahma raped his own daughter Sarasvati, and made Brahmins from his head but Shudras from his feet.Laxman cut nose ( raped ) Suprankha- the sister of Ravan, that's why he kidnapped Sita in revenge. If Ram is God then why he donot know that his wife would be kidnapped by Ravan and he asks the direction of going of Ravan from a bird called Jatayu.Why a God ( Ram ) will need Monkeys & Bears to win a war. Why the Hindu gods need any vehicle for travelling or riding. Hinduism is full of filth, corruption & deceit and it can be classified as a religion. The Hon'ble Supreme Court of lndia in one of its judgement said that Hinduism is not a religion but a way of living.
Dear, The call of Adharma. Either you are not a Sanatan Dharmi or you know nothing about the Brahmin dharm (Hindu adharm ) because it has spread at the cost of hate towards Buddhism . ADI-SHANKRACHARYA killed all Budhist monks and destroyed their Buddhist Pali literature to replace it by Sanskrit Sanatan literature. Buddhism once largest religion of lndia had to take shelter in Cetral Asia, Gandhar , Tibet , Thiland , Burma , Sri Lanka etc. Prophet Mohd. married Aysha at young age but brought her at his home once she attained puberty ( the God's natural signal is menarche & medically also ). Child marriage has been a stigma of Hinduism, which was stopped by law made by British Govt.on request of reformer Raja Ram Mohan Rao, along with ban on Sati Pracice. During Sati several dozens of legitimate & illegimate queens of Hindu kings were made to die by burning them alive in the pier of their dead husbands.But lslam gives right to re-marriage of widows & diverced women. Muslims donot burn their wives for dowry or other family relationship reasons but there is simple rule of separation or divorce. Muslim women also have right to divorce called Khula e.g. impotent husband , Sexual diseases, absence for long time etc. Hindu temples are engaged in religious protitution called DEVDASI.Khajuraho Temples have statues of 33 crore Hindu Gods engaged in unnatural sex like anal sex, oral sex, animal sex, multiple sex partners / group sex.Manna seduced Vishwamitra , and thus great Hindu saint fucked her without marriage and after enjoying with her even cursed her for the mistake made by both together. Dropdi was the wife of Arjun but was misused as as wife by all 5 ( Pandav ) brothers. For beautiful Urvashi all the rules were changed by Devraj lnder.lndra is always busy in enjoying with women Apsaras & wine of heaven, and always tricking to distract others from God worship by sending beautiful ladies of heaven.Lord Krishna had several thousands wives.Radha was not wife of Krishna but his premika ( lover, girl friend ) and his Maami (maternal uncle's wife) in relation.Ram's father Dashrath had 3 legal wives.Ram tried to kill his wife Site in the name of Agni-pariksha but when survived burried her alive saying that the earth got burst to take Sita inside it. Ram expelled his wife Sita from his house when she was pregnant and have birth in jungle to her son's Love & Kush.Ram killed Bali & Ravan by deceit.Lord Ganesh is elephant God with his vaahan ( sawaari, vehicle ) being a Rat. It is a fooling thought to say that an elephant can ride a Rat.Shiva being a God could not know that Ganesh was his son. Shiv cut his own son's head to be re-United with an elephant head , which is impossible. Aghori Saathi ( Hindu holymen ) love naked like Naga Sadhus. Aghori eat human flash from the dead bodies of shamshan ghats ( Hindu grave-yards) and also perform sexual intercourse with women dead bodies. Every Hindu God has a wife and lives with lustful desires.Kunti had an illiterate son called KARAN.Hindu God Brahma raped his own daughter Sarasvati, and made Brahmins from his head but Shudras from his feet.Laxman cut nose ( raped ) Suprankha- the sister of Ravan, that's why he kidnapped Sita in revenge. If Ram is God then why he donot know that his wife would be kidnapped by Ravan and he asks the direction of going of Ravan from a bird called Jatayu.Why a God ( Ram ) will need Monkeys & Bears to win a war. Why the Hindu gods need any vehicle for travelling or riding. Hinduism is full of filth, corruption & deceit and it can be classified as a religion. The Hon'ble Supreme Court of lndia in one of its judgement said that Hinduism is not a religion but a way of living.
This is all Bill shit
Adi-Shankarachrya kill all Buddhist Monks and burnt their Pali Buddhism literature to replace it by the Sanskrit Brahmin Hindu literature, and Buddhism had to take refugee in central Asia, Burma, Thailand etc.
Dear, The call of Adharma. Either you are not a Sanatan Dharmi or you know nothing about the Brahmin dharm (Hindu adharm ) because it has spread at the cost of hate towards Buddhism . ADI-SHANKRACHARYA killed all Budhist monks and destroyed their Buddhist Pali literature to replace it by Sanskrit Sanatan literature. Buddhism once largest religion of lndia had to take shelter in Cetral Asia, Gandhar , Tibet , Thiland , Burma , Sri Lanka etc. Prophet Mohd. married Aysha at young age but brought her at his home once she attained puberty ( the God's natural signal is menarche & medically also ). Child marriage has been a stigma of Hinduism, which was stopped by law made by British Govt.on request of reformer Raja Ram Mohan Rao, along with ban on Sati Pracice. During Sati several dozens of legitimate & illegimate queens of Hindu kings were made to die by burning them alive in the pier of their dead husbands.But lslam gives right to re-marriage of widows & diverced women. Muslims donot burn their wives for dowry or other family relationship reasons but there is simple rule of separation or divorce. Muslim women also have right to divorce called Khula e.g. impotent husband , Sexual diseases, absence for long time etc. Hindu temples are engaged in religious protitution called DEVDASI.Khajuraho Temples have statues of 33 crore Hindu Gods engaged in unnatural sex like anal sex, oral sex, animal sex, multiple sex partners / group sex.Manna seduced Vishwamitra , and thus great Hindu saint fucked her without marriage and after enjoying with her even cursed her for the mistake made by both together. Dropdi was the wife of Arjun but was misused as as wife by all 5 ( Pandav ) brothers. For beautiful Urvashi all the rules were changed by Devraj lnder.lndra is always busy in enjoying with women Apsaras & wine of heaven, and always tricking to distract others from God worship by sending beautiful ladies of heaven.Lord Krishna had several thousands wives.Radha was not wife of Krishna but his premika ( lover, girl friend ) and his Maami (maternal uncle's wife) in relation.Ram's father Dashrath had 3 legal wives.Ram tried to kill his wife Site in the name of Agni-pariksha but when survived burried her alive saying that the earth got burst to take Sita inside it. Ram expelled his wife Sita from his house when she was pregnant and have birth in jungle to her son's Love & Kush.Ram killed Bali & Ravan by deceit.Lord Ganesh is elephant God with his vaahan ( sawaari, vehicle ) being a Rat. It is a fooling thought to say that an elephant can ride a Rat.Shiva being a God could not know that Ganesh was his son. Shiv cut his own son's head to be re-United with an elephant head , which is impossible. Aghori Saathi ( Hindu holymen ) love naked like Naga Sadhus. Aghori eat human flash from the dead bodies of shamshan ghats ( Hindu grave-yards) and also perform sexual intercourse with women dead bodies. Every Hindu God has a wife and lives with lustful desires.Kunti had an illiterate son called KARAN.Hindu God Brahma raped his own daughter Sarasvati, and made Brahmins from his head but Shudras from his feet.Laxman cut nose ( raped ) Suprankha- the sister of Ravan, that's why he kidnapped Sita in revenge. If Ram is God then why he donot know that his wife would be kidnapped by Ravan and he asks the direction of going of Ravan from a bird called Jatayu.Why a God ( Ram ) will need Monkeys & Bears to win a war. Why the Hindu gods need any vehicle for travelling or riding. Hinduism is full of filth, corruption & deceit and it can be classified as a religion. The Hon'ble Supreme Court of lndia in one of its judgement said that Hinduism is not a religion but a way of living.
We should locate this moron in disguise of Shankarachaya and expose his true colors in front of the public.
Even after a thousand years Islam failed to convert Hindus and the country is still predominantly Hindu.That alone is proof of the inherent straight of our religions and let us not be fooled by the likes of Zakir Nalayak who is out to make money with his false claims.We all should agree as Naipaul said in one of his books except for the Arabs the rest of the Muslims are converts and that is proof of their claim that they are largest Numbers mean nothing and does not add the glory of any religion.On growth it is well know that Muslims are breeding more as deliberate strategy and this in not only in India but across many countries in the world and the world has woke up to this threat of testosterone.
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